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Retro Games

Classical Thrilling Action Games

Retro games which are commonly known as old school games or classic games are games that were played on old computers or video in the past. These games are one way of reviving childhood skills and tactics of arcade games. They can be played on original or modern hardware, though they need emulation.

There are several categories of retro games like action games; actually everyone knows at least one of them. Atari games are also part of these games; those are only known among people who have been born before 1985. Participants in this game are referred to as retrogamers.

Retro game skills and requirements

retro games

Retro games are played on original hardware of a computer or video, which therefore means that this hardware has to be available in order to play this game. Due to increasing nostalgia in the gaming industry, these games can be played on modern hardware of modern computers and video through emulation. There are many games to choose from, thus one has to select the game that he or she prefers to play. Modern retro games incorporate color palette, memory, resolution, graphics, and music into the games. The modern retro game has deeply rooted itself in the gaming world as one of the best types of games.

free retro games

With the introduction of the Internet, it is now possible to play free retro games as new and fun online games that also younger players can enjoy. Even more so, some of these retro games have been reworked and can now be downloaded as free minigames to cell phones and smart phones. On the Internet, there are many sites that offer free retro games. The skills and techniques applied are based on the type of game that one wishes to play. Understanding each game in the specific categories is advised because this gives guidelines on how to play. In most cases, the computer mouse or the up, down, right and left keys on the keyboard are used. Depending on the age of the retrogamer, these games are available from different years, thus one can select a preferred game.