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Reaction Games

Setting a fast chain reaction

As a genre of games that require players to think and act very fast, reaction games are slowly becoming a top selection for many players. They are interesting games because they test how fast the players are. The best thing is that this type of game is usually played by use of the keyboard. Online pinball or bubble popp are good examples for those reaction games.

In certain games, the left and right cursor keys are used in moving the blocks that the players are controlling, while the spacebar is used in firing. The up and down cursors are then used in rotating the board onto which the blocks are in order to allow the player in positioning them as desired.

How to play reaction games

reaction games

according to their colors. When the players arrange the blocks according to the pattern and color as shown in a panel on the left side of the screen, the whole group of blocks will be removed, thus setting off a chain reaction. To earn extra points, the players need to arrange them close to others of the same color because as they touch the desired pattern, they will also be removed together with that pattern. So reaction games are also some kind of logic games in a way.

reaction games online

Rules to remember while playing reaction games: While playing reaction games, the players need to keep in mind that the anchor blocks which are usually grey in color will be removed, if the blocks around it are of the same color. The game is set in progression and if they remove all the blocks in the screen they will get to another level. However, if they leave out any block on the screen, they will remain in the next level thus making the game even harder. It is also important to remember that, when the anchor block is removed there will be no chain reaction and only the blocks immediately around it will be removed. Reaction games end when time runs out or when the player cannot place any other block on the screen.