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Casual Games

Cool games - an important part of the gaming industry

Casual games are video games that fall into any category. There is no plan of action identified today that someone requires to participant in such games. Casual games have no distinct timeline or tactical requirement for participants. Production and distribution of casual games is almost insignificant. Recent developments in technology reveal that they are now played on mobile phones and game consoles. Previously, personal computers were the dominant platform for casual games. The purpose of these games is to entertain with a unique experience in a wider variety of games. This is the most differentiating factor when we compare casual games to other video games.

Casual games are classic action games targeted at consumers who do not traditionally consider themselves habitual gamers. Commercial reasons have given cause for developers to create free online games and free downloadable casual games to help draw everyday consumers to their markets. With higher quality, sound and visual display, advertisers have invested heavily in casual games.

Types of Recreational Games

casual games

There is a serious process involved in developing casual games. When categorizing them this proves to be both difficult and cross-cutting. Leading casual game stakeholders suggest seven categories. These include: Strategy games, Adventure games, Hidden games, Arcade games and action games, word games and trivia games, Puzzles, Card games, board games and Mahjong games.

casual games online

These free flash games are easily accessible on the Internet, which is the core distribution channel. Simple features influence play time, number of levels, and game sessions. This targeted consumer is of any age group and skill level. Notably this represents a large portion of online shoppers and therefore, potential casual gamers. Women, children, and the elderly can fully appreciate casual games and have a sizable amount of disposable income. Therefore, kids games and fun educational games are increasingly placed on the agenda of game developers.

Other sensitive categories with immense potential are the browser games. Social casual games present serious social networking opportunities, while minigames are short video games within other video games.